(please note we are rating score on a scale of 8-13)
Composition: 11.5
Mix: 11
13/8 implementation: 12
Additional thoughts: The progression in this piece is really nice, there's a lot of new melodies to be found the more I listen to it. The change in mode at 0:40 was a bold choice that worked out quite well in this context, although it did seem a tad random. I feel like you could have done a little more variation on the drums, as some a lot of them sound like a variation of a shaker. I would like to hear some OOMPF in those kicks, y'know? I like the calmer part at 1:02 that suits as a transition to the next part. 13/8 is pretty well implemented here, good job at that. Sounds quite natural. Your mixing gets a little lower because there is a lot of wet signal from the instrumentals and they kinda get buried because of that, which I especially notice with the drums. DON'T PUT REVERB ON KICKS RAHHHHH